28th of May we welcomed all participants to Lerkendal gård in Trondheim for a collaborative workshop with NTNU, NTVA, GCE Node and us in NORCE. It was initiated by our GEAN-association and we had a successful event. The fruitful collaboration saves costs and brings the best of us all.
The purpose was to explore how geothermal energy, and ground source heat, improves the efforts from various energy sectors. The inclusion of building sector into the heat and cooling solution is of primary important to seamlessly integrate the harvested heat into existing and new buildings. As such, a more effective energy system may develop. The following presentations were held:
15 min - Velkommen: Trond Inge Waag, Johan Einar Hustad og Anders Nermoen
20 min – Randi K. Ramstad| Asplan Viak | Bergvarme og sesongvarmelagring i Norge – potensial og eksempler
20 min – Natasha Nord | NTNU | Combined heating and cooling systems and short – and long-term storages in district heating – Kobling fjernvarme og bergvarme
20 min – Kirsti Midttømme | NORCE | Hvordan oppskalere bruk av bergvarme?
15 min – Gearoid Lydon | NTNU | Integration of geothermal heat in buildings
15 min – Sturla Sæther (tbc) | Equinor | Sektorkopling i Norge og internasjonalt
15 min – Rao Martand Singh | NTNU | Driven Geothermal Energy Pile: Innovative Heating/Cooling solution
15 min– Avslutning ved Anders Nermoen
All presentations are given on Youtube via this link.
Pdf of all presentations can be downloaded here: