GeoEnergy 2023


A warm thank you to our more than 60 participants representing 39 different unique organizations from Norway and abroad!

Four sessions and a panel conversation were held enabled us to learn more on how geothermal technologies provide heat. This heat can replace electric use - highly valuable as renewable electricty is a scarce resource to be handled with care.

The national and international potential is enormous. These technologies are mature and ready for the market. There is however, the need for research and technological development to even increase the resource potential, to manage learning to always build better, to deploy sensors and automatic control systems that would enable even better use of existing systems. Such solutions will easen the green energy shift away from fossil sources simpler. As such, we can live good lives without being based upon fossil energy sources.

We thank both the presenters and participants making this into two memorable and learningful days. The aim was to create value for each other - we did it!

It is about showing the good examples and take learning from the sub-optimal cases to ensure that we ALWAYS build the next project better. 

Then, further technological development is key to grow the resource potential even further, AND to ensure a better use of the existing systems.

Technological development should not hinder a massive roll-out from where we are now. There is no time for that. Technological development should go hand-in-hand with the upcoming roll-out phase.

Anders Nermoen
CGER director
Senior Researcher, NORCE